Founded in 1943, the Vernon Lions Club began as a small group of like-minded individuals determined to make a positive impact in their community. Since then, we have grown into a thriving organization with over 35 active members. Over the years, we have provided hundreds of thousands of dollars to other community organizations through our extensive fundraising and event promotions.
Our mission is to create opportunities for community members to connect, learn, and grow together while promoting self-help and mutual assistance. We strive to foster a spirit of cooperation and mutual aid, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
Volunteer Opportunities
Our members engage in a variety of volunteer activities, such as:
Our members participate in many fundraising activities, during the year, including but not limited to:
The Vernon Lions Club comprises members from diverse backgrounds, including banking, agriculture, vehicle repair, veterans, and retirees. Our diverse team brings a wealth of experience and a shared commitment to serving our community.
Winter Carnival Parade Float
The Vernon Lions Club - Vernon, BC had so much fun making the float and being in the Vernon Winter Carnival 80's parade. Our float included our three main events, Poker, The Golf Tournament for Camp Winfield and Ducks for Dogs. Big shout out to Allan Louis for another awesome design. A huge thank you to Greg Sluggett and Rona for the donation of wood for the float! Super job everyone!
A special thanks to Westwood Electric for their support for the trailer and the construction space. It was great to be a part of the Winter Carnival Parade and share the laughter with fellow Lions and the public.
If you are interested in joining Lions or want to see what we are about, please click on the link below at [] to find out more about Vernon Lions in the community, or find us on Facebook at
Please share our posts so more can find out about Vernon Lions Club in your community
On February 7th 2025 Vernon Lions Club presented Debbie Sparling from the T1D Hub with a cheque for $800.00 to assist funding for activities for their clients and families. Presenting the cheque is Lion Trudy Parke in the Centre, and Lion Shauna Lyon on the right.
Also included in the Acceptance of the cheque is Carrie Lemay and her diabetic alert service dog from the Lions Foundation of Canada. Carrie provided a brief presentation on how Freckles works with her and her diabetes and as it happened Carrie had an episode of low blood sugar during the talk. We got to see a live example of how Freckles reacts with knowing when Carrie is about to have an episode and assists with telling her that she needs to have some juice or other food that will bring her levels back up. Later Carrie told us a story of another episode where Freckles actually saved her life when she had an episode at home and had passed out from the low blood sugar level.
Debbie Sparling told us about the T1D Group as a group of passionate people who create and host community events for T1D families and kids throughout the year in the Okanagan. When a child is diagnosed in the North Okanagan- we deliver a gift basket of things they might need and fun things and info about our community. If we are given consent that we can contact them - we text or call them to see what support they need.
“We hold educational diabetes fairs, park days, bowling evenings, summer camps, mental health sessions, sledding afternoons and general everyday check-ins to make sure everyone is ok! We have babysitting evenings so parents can have time to themselves without worrying about their children.
We are available for other gatherings of someone needs support.
We have done this for almost 4 years and our T1D community family is doing much better because of it.” Said Debbie Sparling
For more information on the T1D Hub please contact Debbie at 250-503-4836. Find the Okanagan T1D hub on Facebook- search for “Vernon & Area T1 Families”
Find us on Facebook at
During the year 2024 Vernon Lions Club provided assistance in the total amount of several thousand dollars to clients in the community that required vision screening or eyeglasses. These clients were adults and children that required assistance but could not afford the cost of the exams or glasses. The Vernon Lions Club works closely with local optometrists, Child and Family Services, and other local groups to try to provide assistance where desperately needed.
As part of our mandate to assist with Vision, the Vernon Lions Club is also involved in recycling used eyeglasses for the Canadian Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centre (CLERC). Eyeglasses that are recyclable can be dropped off at most optometrist or vision centres in Vernon.
More information on Eyeglass Recycling can be found on their website
Last year Vernon Lions Club recycled over 6600 pairs of eyeglasses to CLERC.
Vernon Collection Locations can be found at at the bottom of the home page
More information on Eyeglass Recycling can be found on their website
May 31, 2025 ---- Save The Date------ Get registered today
Hey everyone…it’s that time of the year again and VERNON LIONS CLUB is getting ready to ROAR with its 7th annual Charity Golf Tournament and Auction, with all proceeds going to help fund EASTER SEALS CAMP WINFIELD.
This year’s event will be held at the beautiful VERNON GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB on Saturday, May 31st, 2025.
With amazing community support, last year we were able to raise almost $20,000 for CAMP WINFIELD. This is a beautiful facility in Lake Country designed to ensure the specific needs of children and adults in our community with varied abilities are met. It is fully inclusive and accessible, so any individual with a disability can participate in any activity. There are rope courses, big swings, talent shows, swimming, campfires, arts & crafts and so many smiles. None of this comes cheap, so once again we depend on the participation and generosity of our community to help us meet our funding goals. Let’s send as many individuals as possible to Camp!
There are a number of ways to support this event…field a team and enjoy a fun day of golf with all kinds of course shenanigans…dinner, prizes and both a silent and live auction are part of the day's festivities.
The cost for golfing and dinner has gone up 15% over last year but we have decided to keep our cost to you at the same as last year. Only $200.00 per golfer or $800.oo per team. You can reserve, and pay online at: but please keep in mind that payment must occur at the time of registration.
Spots will not be held.
A limited amount of tickets for Dinner & Auction will also be available
Consider one of many sponsorship opportunities…information available on the website
OR donate an item that best represents your business for one of the auctions
For over 77 years Easter Seals has been providing families with both children and adults with varied abilities with the resources they need to thrive in our communities. The support of the community is crucial to continue funding these programs and that is why the VERNON LIONS CLUB is asking for your help now. Please feel free to reach out to:
Lion Michele Materi-Baker; (250) 307-2024
Lion Ron Mare ; (604) 308-6037
Lion Brian Barnett ; (250) 541-9778
OR … any Vernon Lion you find roaring about town!
We strive to build a strong sense of community by providing opportunities for social connection and personal growth.
On February 1, 2025 Vernon Lions Club hosted their eighth sold out poker tournament at the Army, Navy, Air Force Club in Vernon BC. People traveled from as far away as Kamloops for this event, it is becoming so popular. This is a charity event raising funds for the Lakeview Peanut Pool Varied Abilities Change Room which already has an aquatic chair and a lift and rails to move the chair and clients to and from their own equipment. This equipment was supplied by the Vernon Lions Club. This year the funds being raised from our Poker Events will be to purchase an Adjustable Change Table/Bed which will allow caregivers and families the opportunity to assist client and family member in and out of bathing attire without risk of personal injury to either their clients or themselves.
The total cost of this three year project will be over $33,000.00
Vernon Lions Club would like to thank all the participants, volunteer dealers and Lions, without whose help we would not be able to present these events.
Vernon Lions Club was involved in the original development and construction of the pool and facilities in 1958 and was very pleased to be invited back by the City of Vernon to be involved in the rebuild and renovation of the new facilities at Lakeview Peanut Pool.
If you are interested in playing in one of our tournaments our next event is March 29, 2025. More information can be found at
If you are interested in joining Lions or want to see what we are about, please click on the link below at [] to find out more about Vernon Lions in the community, or find us on Facebook at
Please share our posts so more can find out about Vernon Lions Club in your community
Our Winners
They decided to chop the pot for First and Second Place and played one hand for the trophy.
Champion Karen Penaluna and Co-winner Mersad Khatani
Pictured also is Tournament Director Lion Ron Mare
On November 19 2024, the Vernon Lions Club in conjunction with the Lumby Lions Club, completed Vision Screening in Scholl District #22 including Lumby and Cherryville, attending at 14 local and three private schools. A total of 1419 Kindergarten, Grade 3, and Grade 6 students were screened with parents of 123 (8.6) being advised that the child should be referred to a local eye practitioner or optometrist for further screening and possibly needing eyeglasses.
This is an annual zone project of which the Vernon Lions Club is a part. All the volunteers have expressed how great they felt and how satisfying it was to be able to assist with this worthwhile project. Click on the link below for more information on this Lions International Project.
Click on the link here. [Lions Vision Screening Video](
If you are interested in joining Lions go to our home page ans scroll down to our Membership Chairperson's link.
You can find out more on our Facebook Page as well.
Please share our posts so more can find out about Vernon Lions Club in your community
On Monday December 16th Lion Trudy Parke delivered a $500 cheque to Santa Anonymous on behalf of the Vernon Lions Club.
Thank you Lion Trudy and Vernon Lions Club
On Remembrance Day November 11, 2024 Vernon Lions attended at the Vernon Memorial and placed a wreath in remembrance of those who gave their lives in service to our country. Members of the Vernon Lions Club also attended at the service at Kal Tire Place and at the Okanagan Indian Band Memorial Remembrance Day services as well. Many of our past members were also members of the armed forces and we are proud to remember them as well.
Thank You For Your Service to all our fallen members!
0n November 5, 2024 several members of the Vernon Lions Club partnered with more than 200 local school children for the eighth annual No Stone Let Alone ceremony in Vernon. During this event, the students place poppy on the gravestones of the men and women who died serving their countries. Vernon Lions members accompanied the students.
Photo courtesy of No Stone Left Alone Foundation
On November 29, 2024 the Vernon Lions Club attended at the FROSTival event in downtown Vernon and our volunteers provided hot chocolate for a donation to the attending public. Thank you to all who came to our booth. The Club raised over $800.00 which will go to worthy causes for people with disabilities in the Vernon Area. Vernon Lions thank the promoters of the FROSTival event for inviting us to join in the fun and festivities. If you are interested in joining the Vernon Lions Club please contact
More information on the Vernon Lions Club in your community can be found at
On October 17, 2024 The Vernon Lions Club inducted two new members into its growing Club. Welcome to April Fox and Carl Sellers. You are joining a great group of community minded people who work tirelessly to help out in our Community. We look forward to working side by side with you! If you are wondering why Carl is holding his phone, his brother in Nova Scotia is his sponsor and he attended by Facetime! The miracle of modern technology!!
If you are interested in joining Lions or just to see what we are about please click on the link below at vernonlionsclub.cato find out more about Vernon Lions in your community.
On June 22, 2024 The Vernon Lions Club proudly presented our cheque in the amount of Nineteen Thousand, Eight Hundred, and Fifty Two Dollars and 13 cents ($19,852.13) to Mike Herrling representing Camp Winfield, the Easter Seal Society camp for people with disabilities in the Okanagan area. Camp Winfield is located in Lake Country. The proceeds are from the Vernon Lions Club 6th Annual Charity Golf Tourney held in May 2024. Our next event will be on May 31, 2025 at the Vernon Golf and Country Club. Visit us at for more information. Registration is opening soon!!
The Vernon Lions Club meets on the first and third Thursday of every month except July and August. We meet at the ANAF Hall at 2500 46 Ave., Vernon, BC. Hospitality starts at 6:00pm, Meetings at 6:30pm, and on special occasions a meal will be provided, with the meeting to immediately follow. For more information about the Vernon Lions Club or to get involved, please contact us.
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